Let's imagine a world where movement is freedom

Imagine a world where movement is freedom - Moov

Let's imagine a world where movement is freedom

We innovate mobility in every aspect!

Contact us
We analyze needs to shape our vision for the future.
That's why we want to make mobility:


Moving is an easy thing: thanks to the use of innovative technologies, integrated digital platforms, and the creation of intuitive user experiences.



Reliability goes hand in hand with solidity: our operational model and the technology we employ, based on agile methodologies and trial & error, are robust and of high quality.


Sustainability is our balance: we create a balance between environmental, social, and economic aspects.

Every day we work to redefine the mobility landscape to make it

more simple, reliable, and sustainable.
What we do

The world is changing very quickly, just as behavioral models are. That's why we want to create agile and easy to adapt solutions.

We directly engage with the market under the Flee brand and empower partners and distribution networks eager to pursue mobility initiatives through:

  • platforms that orchestrate mobility using top-tier technologies.
  • an outstanding customer experience
  • insurance products tailored to mobility, ensuring maximum protection, and usage-based pricing models that are grounded in consumption and behavior patterns.


We directly engage with the market under our brand Flee, owned by Moov-Tech.

Flee aims to become the main mobility ecosystem that adapts to every journey.mobility ecosystem.

The first Flee service is an innovative flexible long-term car rental.

Find out more

Tailor-made mobility solutions

We have created a modular solution, usable in PaaS (Platform as a Service) mode by customers and partners to carry out customized projects in the mobility world.

What does it consist of? We adapt or activate one or more modules of our platform to create a plug and play end-to-end solution that can be integrated into existing business processes or third-party applications.

What are our modules? Advisory, fleet management, risk management & insurance program, telematics, lead management and customer care, technological platform, marketing, billing & payment, and much more
Insurance solution Moov

Insurance solutions

We work closely with the insurance big players and create embedded "protection" systems for our direct customers and partners.

Where do we make a difference?
We always follow our mission and make every proposal:
• simple and fast
• sustainable and flexible
• safe and transparent.

Where do we stand out?
We consistently adhere to our mission, ensuring every offering is:
• quick and straightforward
• sustainable and adaptable
• transparent and secure.

How we do it

we use technology to enable and enhance all phases of the mobility services process (E2E), including the insurance aspect;
we create pricing models to incentivize virtuous behaviors, such as optimizing consumption, sustainable and safe driving;
we guarantee flexibility to customers in terms of price and contract duration;
we create an easy and transparent user experience;
We guarantee a premium yet accessible service level, where the cost benefit comes from flexibility
What we do - Moov

How we commit

From the outset of our operations, we've been passionate about promoting ESG (Environmental, Social, Governance) themes, recognizing the importance of acting responsibly and sustainably.

We're not mere observers; we're actively engaged in shaping a greener, fairer, and more accountable world.

Starting with the environment: our pay-per-use model and promotion of 'green' vehicles like electric and hybrids contribute to lowering CO2 emissions. Moreover, our Flee mobility platform further reduces emissions by facilitating diverse transportation combinations.

On the social front, we enhance urban living through the Flee initiative, aiming to provide more flexible and sustainable mobility. We offer our employees training and flexibility, including comprehensive insurance coverage. Additionally, we collaborate with and support the Heal Foundation through its social initiatives.

And then there's governance. We're in the process of formulating an ethical code and training programs to prevent corruption. We make collective decisions with a participative, merit-based approach, steering clear of gender discrimination and wage disparities.

We believe in the power of collective efforts for a sustainable future.

Flee charity cars

We support the 'Taxi Solidale' project by the Heal Foundation, providing Flee rental cars for free use.

Every day, the cars from Heal's charitable taxi service help children and their families get to medical facilities for the essential cancer treatments they need.

Furthermore, we'll offer our customers an opportunity to make their journeys more meaningful: by donating €0.01 to the Heal Foundation for every kilometer traveled.

Interested in learning more about the Heal Foundation?
Visit their website and the charity shop.

Flee charity cars for Fondazione Heal - Moov